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以稿换稿】  作者:佚名   发布:2014年04月09日   阅读:

  导读:Liz Murray,影片《风雨哈佛路》的主人公在真实生活中的原型。生于贫困窟,却渴望知识,17岁开始用2年的时光学完高中4年课程,获得1996年纽约时报一等奖学金,进入哈佛学习。看了这么多,你一定很好奇她是什么样的人物,拥有着怎样的心态,我们赶快来欣赏一下Liz的励志演讲吧。
  《风雨哈佛路》真实原型Liz Murray励志演讲
  EN: Murray was born in the Bronx, New York, to poor, drug-addicted, HIV-infected parents. She became homeless just after she turned 15, when her mother died of AIDS, and her father moved to a homeless shelter. Murray's life turned around when she began attending the Humanities Preparatory Academy in Chelsea, Manhattan. Though she started high school later than most students, and remained without a stable home while supporting herself and her sister, Murray graduated in only two years. She was awarded a New York Times scholarship for needy students and accepted into Harvard University, matriculating in the fall semester of 2000.

  演讲者简介:父母吸毒、8岁开始乞讨、15岁母亲死于艾滋病、父亲进入收容所、17岁开始用2年的时光学完高中4年课程,获得1996年纽约时报一等奖学金,进入哈佛学习。影片《风雨哈佛路》讲诉Liz Murray真实的人生经历,是一部励志向上的美国影片。
  Liz murray 的三条人生箴言:
  FAMILY:I'll give all these things back if I can get my family back
  STRUGGLE:I don't wanna be an idot. I wanna go to school.
  LIFE:Don't close your eyes,rise again after you fall,you need to get out






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